Community Overview

Because  Nassau County offers a variety of property types, it is important to know what type you desire. The great part of working in the community over 100 years is that our firm has listings for all types and budgets.

Thoughts to consider:

  1. Do you want to rent or purchase or lease? (Our company can help with all of those.)
  2. Is this your personal home or an investment opportunity? (We do property management, comprehensive market analysis and buyer/seller purchases)
  3. If purchasing, do you want to be near the beach or the river? Would you prefer a lake or no water at all?
  4. What are your hobbies? (So many communities offer a variety of recreational family packages.)
  5. Do you want low/no maintenance or do you like yard work (There are communities that include lawn maintenance, and we know plenty of people!)

The possibilities are endless! Just know that when you get me, you are getting over 20+ agents with decades of experience living/working/playing in Nassau County.